Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Linda Ikeji Blog is a website where every Nigerian home and abroad wants to visit because its filled with lot of trending news. Linda Ikeji's net worth and success story can be told by an average Nigerian.

Linda Ikeji Net Worth
Linda Ikeji Hot

Image result for linda ikeji pics
There are lots of controversies over "Linda Ikeji Net worth" by our esteem readers and as such we have decided to give a break down of her earning records for the interest of the general public.

It is surprisingly unbelievable to some of you out there but the truth is, "even though this is not a common achievement in Nigeria; it is never an impossibility as well."
Linda Ikeji Pictures
Linda Ikeji Picture
Linda Ikeji net worth has been something of debate on the internet.

Linda herself was so surprised to realize that her blog worth $1.2 million back in 2012, but I think she know better now. While some think that she worth so much, others think it's just a sham, how could a mere blogger worth anything. Well, the information you are about to read will settle all the arguments.
We wouldn't just mention figures, we are going to tell you how we came about the figures so that your mind will be at rest once and for all.

Below is Summary of what we did

Firstly, we gathered much information about her acquisitions. She had spent about N50million collectively on cars both the ones for self and her family members. And another N300 million for houses, two for her parents and one for herself. However, we didn't base our calculations much on this since majority of the properties was acquired as gifts to her family.

Secondly, we calculated Linda Ikeji blog earning based on the advert rates and the Adsense revenue thus -

Linda Ikeji Cars
Linda Ikeji Cars
Direct Adverts

Leadboard (Header) adverts - N950,000 x 2 = N1,900,000 monthly

Sidebar ads (Top) - N500,000 x 2 = N1,000,000 monthly

Sidebar ads (All site wide) - N400,000 x 30 = N12,000,000 monthly

Sponsored posts - N50,000 x 2 = N100,000 daily x 30 = N3,000,000 monthly.

Page branding (Site takeover) = N1,600,000 monthly

Total revenue from direct adverts = N19.5 million monthly.

linda ikeji wiki
Linda Ikeji
Adsense Revenue

To calculate the Adsense earning, you need to understand the daily traffic stat, and from our finding,

Linda Ikeji blog is currently receiving more than 500,000 daily pageviews. And from our known Adsense daily stat (CTR = 0.98 and CPC = 0,45) we calculate thus -

Click Through Rate (CTR) = 500,000/100 = 5,000 x 0.98 = 4,900 clicks daily

Total revenue daily = Cost per Click (CPC) x Click Through Rate (CTR)

4,900 x 0.45 = $2,205 daily.

Monthly Adsense Revenues - $2,205 x 30 = $66,150 (N12,237,750) monthly

Note: Since AdDynamo is a PPC similar to Adsense, we decided to omit that.
Net Worth

From the above calculations, you've seen that Linda Ikeji is conservatively making -

N31,737,750 monthly.

Armed with the above information, it is now easy for us to arrive at her current net worth. So, we decided to engage the services of our in house web traffic appraisal expert. He used aftermarket procedures to arrive at $10 million

Finally, even if Linda is the most extravagant spender in Nigeria, she should still have N500 million cash right now which represents just 2013 and 2014 earning minus total expenditures.

Therefore, Linda Ikeji current net worth is $10 million (N1,850,000,000) + N500,000,000

= N2,350,000,000

We believe you will agree with us that Linda Ikeji is not just another kinda hungry blogger out there trying to make her way up. She is already and always at the Top.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Do you want to transfer airtime/credit from one sim card to another but you don’t know how?  Here is a simple article for you on how you could transfer credit from MTN to MTN Networks, Glo to Glo Networks, Airtel to Airtel Networks and Etisalat to Etisalat Networks. These are the strongest and popular networks in Nigeria. Read below on how to transfer your credit/airtime.

1. How to Transfer Credit from MTN to MTN

Before you can initiate a transfer from any MTN line, you would need to create a secret pin. This secret pin must be known to you alone, and the pin must be four digit numbers. Anyone that knows your pin can transfer your credit without your consent.

How to Change Your Transfer Pin from Default
You will need to change your transfer pin from default to a memorable number. The default pin is 0000. You can change your pin via USSD or SMS.

How to change your pin via SMS
Send the following command via SMS to activate your new pin 0000 1234 1234 to 777
The 0000 in the command signifies your default pin,
The 1234 in the command signifies your new pin,
The repeated 1234 in the command signifies new pin confirmation.
You can change the 1234 in the code above to any code that suits you. If entered correctly, you will receive a message that your pin has been successfully changed.
How to change your pin via USSD
To change your transfer pin via USSD, dial *601* default/old PIN* New PIN* New PIN# then press the send button. For example, if you want to change your pin from default to 1234, you will dial *601*0000*1234*1234#. If entered correctly, you will receive a message that your pin has been changed successfully.

How To Transfer Credit On MTN
You can also transfer credit from MTN via two means. The means are USSD and SMS.
How to transfer credit via SMS: Transfer 08065655230 200 1234 and send it to 777
Red = Recipient Number
Yellow = Amount to Transfer
Green = Secret Pin

If entered correctly, you will receive message telling you to confirm your command by sending Yes to 777. If you want to cancel the transaction, just send CANCEL to 777.

How To transfer credit via USSD.
To transfer credit via USSD, dial *600*Recipient’s phone number*amount in Naira*PIN# then press Send/Ok. If entered correctly,you will receive a text message confirming successful transfers.

2. How to Transfer Credit From Glo to Glo

If you want to transfer credit from one glo sim to another, dial *131*recipients phone number*Amount*Pin# then send. It should look like *131*07053627819*100*12345#.  Immediately you send the command, you will receive a message back from the network telling you to confirm by pressing 1 and press 2 to cancel. Default PIN is 00000

How to Change or Create Glo Me2u Transfer Pin
To change/create your Glo ME2U transfer pin, dial *132*00000*New Pin* New Pin# then send.

3. How to Transfer Credit From Airtel to Airtel

To change airtel transfer pin, send the command below as SMS to 432
Pin Old Pin New Pin e.g Pin 1234 9090. Airtel default pin is 1234.

To transfer credit from one airtel sim to another, you need to enter the command shown below.
2U (space) Recipient’s phone number (space) Amount (space) Pin. This will be send as message to 432.

Example: 2U 08128902673 100 1234 to 432

4. How to Transfer Credit From Etisalat To Etisalat

To transfer credit form your etisalat sim to another, you will need to locate the etisalat service menu in your menu list. Once it is located, click on Balance transfer and after that, a security code box will appear requesting for your pin. The default pin is 0000 and afterward you would be required to enter the amount you wish to transfer. You can also change your default pin from the service menu.
Another means to transfer credit from etisalat is by dialing *223*Pin*Amount*Phone Number#

Thank you very much for reading my post hope you found what you where looking for.



June / July 2015/2016 NECO Examination Result has just been released !!!
Nov / Dec 2015/2016 NECO GCE Examination Result has just been released !!!

The methods of checking NECO Results has always remained thesame over the years and we have helped students who do not know how to print our their results by posting very easy methods and steps on how to check and print out their WACE and NECO results. This year is not left out because we have just rolled out another support article on how tho check this year's results online.

To check your result, follow the five (5) simple steps above. You can also email or print your result

NECO Scratch Cards are available in all NECO offices and other retail outlets



Easy Steps - How To Check NECO Results
1.     Select year Examination Type
2.     Select year of examination
3.     Enter your card PIN number
4.     Enter your Examination Number
5.     Click on "Check My Result" button

Enter your details in the boxes provided on NECO website - With correct details, your result will be displayed.
Result Checker
Type:    Select from the drop down: June/July, Nov/Dec, JSCE, NCEE
Exam Yr:    Select the year of examination: 2000 - 2016
Pin No:    Enter the pin from the NECO scratch card purchased from any NECO office
Exam No:    Enter your examination number which includes exam center and seat number
Click on Check My Result

You can now print out your result by clicking on the Print Icon on the NECO website page or use your keyboard by pressing Ctrl+P.

Select your printer connected to your computer and click OK. (Your result will be printed)


Get all NECO Result Cards in all NECO offices

The NECO support lines are available between 8.00am and 7.00pm (Nigerian Time).

You can also contact NECO offices

Support Lines
08069232760, 08052218069, 08052218070, 08126886938, 08126886939, 08189342653, 08189342754

Support Emails,


Written below is a very easy step of checking your NECO, JSCE and NCEE results with ease. The procedures and steps were gotten from Just follow the methods very carefully and your result will be printed out with ease. Find steps below;

Procedure on How To Check Results
1.     Select year Examination Type
2.     Select year of examination
3.     Enter your card PIN number
4.     Enter your Examination Number
5.     Click on "Check My Result" button

Enter your details in the boxes provided. With correct details, your result will be displayed.

Get Result Cards in all NECO offices

To check your result, follow the five (5) simple steps above. You can also email or print your result

Cards are available in all NECO offices

NECO Support Emails,
The NECO support lines are available between 8.00am and 7.00pm (Nigerian Time).

You can also contact NECO offices
National Examinations Council (NECO) Western Bye Pass, Dr Nnamdi Azikwe road, P.M.B 159, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.


Monday, July 13, 2015

WWW.YAHOOMAIL.COM LOGIN PAGE YahooMail login, Sign in | YahooMail Sign Up, registration | Yahoo Messenger | Yahoomail Password |YahooMail login, Sign in |YahooMail Sign Up, registration |yahoomail download |yahoo messenger |Yahoomail password

It looks like you are new here. Did you typed "" into Google search bar searching for the YahooMail URL? If this is a mistake, follow this url to YahooMail homepage ( is the official Yahoo Mail website. If you wish to sign up or login to YahooMail, you can just click or copy this url[] and paste it in the url bar and tap on the enter key. After loading, the link will take you to the YahooMail registration page for you to sign up or login.

Howbeit, welcome to our Yahoo Mail blog post titled " | Yahoo Mail login, Sign in | Yahoo Mail Sign Up, registration | Yahoomail download | yahoo messenger | Yahoomail password ".
Just like the title portrays, we will put you through what you ought to know about, Yahoo Mail Login / sign in problems, Yahoomail sign up / registration, Yahoomail download, Yahoomail Messenger and Yahoomail password problems. |YahooMail login, Sign in |YahooMail Sign Up, registration |yahoomail download |yahoo messenger |Yahoomail password

What is a Yahoo ID?
Yahoo Id is a user unique identifier. It may include numbers and alphabets.
Yahoo Id gives permission to access all your Yahoo Services. It can be anything you like e.g any nickname you like.
Yahoo Id is really easy to have. Scroll down to see how to register Yahoo account (

Note: Your Yahoo Id cannot be changed after registration, once registered the Id can never be changed.
Once more Yahoo Id is used to identify Yahoo Mail or Yahoo users..

Sign up Age for Yahoo Id is an email provider (both free and business). Anyone above the age of 18 can have a Yahoo email account or ymail account.  Yahoo account gives you full access to all yahoo services.
Yahoo Services includes:
Yahoo Autos
Yahoo! Mail
Yahoo Answers
Yahoo News
Yahoo Messenger,
Yahoo OMG,
Yahoo Advertising
Yahoo Local
Yahoo Maps etc.

Yahoo On Social Media
Yahoo on Facebook

Yahoo on twitter

Yahoo tv on Instagram

In todays digital world the use of email service such as the yahoo email has just gain it infancy with a click on send you get you email send to who so ever you are sending to by using the persons email ID  you can send music video picture pdf file and other electronic files by using the url

YahooMail Sign in/Login,  YahooMail Sign up/Registration |YahooMail login, Sign in |YahooMail Sign Up, registration |yahoomail download |yahoo messenger |Yahoomail password
YahooMail Sign in/Login
1. Visit
2. On your YahooMail page; impute your password and your YahooMail Id in the boxes.
3. Click on the sign in / login button
4. Enjoy your Yahoo experience

YahooMail Sign Up / Registration
This is for people who do not haveYahoo Mail Account or Yahoo Id.
1. Visit
2. Click on "New here? Sign up" button. This will take you to a new page. This is the YahooMail Sign up (registration) page.
3. On the YahooMail registration page, impute the necessary details correctly.
Ensure the information you provided on the Yahoomail registration page is well known to you.
4. Click on submit
5. You are good to rock YahooMailincluding: Yahoo Messenger, Yahoo Mail chat, Yahoo Email, Yahoo... provided the information is accurate with the Yahoo terms and services.

Note: You will receive a congratulatory message from for successfully creating a Yahoo account.
That's all on how to sign up a YahooMail Account.
As  I said earlier, the yahoomail has free version and business version. The free version of YahooMail has advert banners on the working interface.
Official YahooMail

Yahoo Mail Login Problem (

Subscribers complains how the Yahoo Mail server restricted them from logging in to their Yahoo Account. This is actually a security issue.  Although it might also be due to Yahoo  upgrade, slow internet connections etc. This sometimes ago happened to me and this is what I did:

1. With laptop visit
2.  Login to your Yahoo Mail Account
3. Answer the security questions
4. You are good to enjoy your Yahoo Mail Account to the fullest.

How to Delete YahooMail ( Account
To do this, your YahooMail ( Account be exist first.
2. Logon to www., delete_user.
3. Impute your password and click on "terminate this account" button.
After 90 days , the account will permanently be terminated. Also within this you may decide to transfer your data to elsewhere. YahooMail ( will delete all links associated to the YahooMail account. |YahooMail login, Sign in |YahooMail Sign Up, registration |yahoomail download |yahoo messenger |Yahoomail password
Yahoo Messenger

YahooMail ( has email domains registration for almost all countries of the World.

Country                                          Yahoo Mail Domain  Argentina              Australia               Austria                         Belgium (French)      Belgium (Dutch)        Brazil                    Canada (English)     Canada (French)      Colombia             Croatia                       Czech Republic         Denmark                   Finland                      France                       Germany            Greece                       Hong Kong              Hungary                  India                         Indonesia                Ireland                    Israel                Italy                         Japan                      Malaysia                Mexico                    Middle East           Netherlands           New Zealand         Norway            Philippines              Poland                     Portugal                  Romania                 Russia                     Singapore        South Africa            Spain                        Sweden                    Switzerland (French)  Switzerland (Ge  Taiwan                    Thailand                  Turkey                     United Kingdom    United States           Vietnam           

Lastly, let us know a brief history of  Yahoo and Yahoo Mail. By knowing the history, we will have a free head-start to what the deal about is really is!

About YahooMail (
Yahoo! Mail offers a free email service, This service is possible through an American company called Yahoo!

 Yahoo Mail was launched in 1997, it (YahooMail) was the third largest web based email service provider with 281 Million users in Dec. 2011.

YahooMail current webmail was official introduced in 2012.

YahooMail Features

YahooMail has two major categories;YahooMail free features, YahooMail Business features.
Free YahooMail Features

1. Free 1 terabyte email storage capacity

2. Email attachment limit up to 100 MB

3. Account expiry on inactivity

4. Spam and Virus protection

5. Sort incoming messages

6. Ad displays on screen while using the YahooMail Account.

7. POP3 (Read up)

8. Free IMAP and SMTPs access (Read up)

Business Features Of YahooMail

YahooMail business email is consist of all services.  YahooMail business account can be managed by an admin.

1. unlimited email storage capacity NOT compared to Yahoomail free version

2. 10 email quota


WAEC RESULT 2015/2016

Get the Complete Material for this Topic - Call +2347030722911

Home SCHOOL ADMISSION WAEC RESULT 2015/2016 | www:waecdirect:org | CHECKER - WASSCE

WAEC RESULT 2015/2016 | www:waecdirect:org | CHECKER - WASSCE


WAEC RESULT CHECKER 2015/2016 | | May/June and Nov/Dec
The West African Senior School CertificateExamination (WASSCE) is an exam taken by students who has completed their "SS II" or "SS III" classes in their different secondary school (whether in a private of government owned school). This examination is taken by students in some African countries likeNigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia etc before before they can gain admission into any approved State.
Waec result 2015

Checking your WAEC / WASSCE May/June or Nov/Dec result in Nigeria? This article will give you easyguidelines on how to check and print out your WACE result irrespective of the country you are. Please read more below and very carefully so that you will not destroy your WACE card.

Visit WAEC official website page: Make sure you do not misspell it by writing WACE

1. Enter your 10-digit WAEC Examination Number.
    (This is your 7-Digit centre number followed by your 3-digit candidate number eg. 4123456789)
2. Enter the 4 digits of your Examination Year eg. 2015
3. Select the Type of Examination: (May/June or Nov/Dec WASSCE)
4. Enter the Card Serial Number found on the reverse side of your Scratch card.
5. Enter the Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your Scratch card
6. Click Submit and wait for the results window to come up
Alternative Delivery Channels

Short Messaging Service (SMS)

1. Send SMS in the format below:

To short-code 32327 (MTN, Celtel & Glo subscribers)

For example:


Note: Ensure you adhere strictly to the format above . There should be no space in the message.

2. Wait for your result to be delivered to your phone via SMS. (SMS cost N30 only)

Have you had any problem checking your result earlier? Send an email to:
Online Support - Tel: 01-2700516

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is a PIN?
What is a Scratch card?
Where can I buy a Scratch card?
How many times can I check my results?
Can I use one Scratch card to check more than one result?

What is a PIN?
The PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. In WAECDIRECT, it is a unique 10-digit or 12-digit number that is required to access the service. The service enables direct access to a candidate's results via multiple channels. The PIN is found on a valid WAECDIRECT Scratch card and is revealed when cover patch on the reverse side of the card is carefully scratched off.

What is a Scratch card?
A Scratch card is a plastic card with a scratch patch on the reverse side that conceals a PIN required to access the WAECDIRECT service. The Scratch card applicable for the WAECDIRECT service is marked "WAECDIRECT ……Access Card" on the face.

Where can I buy a Scratch card?
A Scratch card may be purchased at the National Office of WAEC and at any of its zonal and branch offices across Nigeria. It may also be bought from any of the branch offices of Fountain Trust Bank Plc acrossNigeria. From time to time it may become available at any other outlets so designated by WAEC. Please click here to go to the outlets page. The reviewed price for the Scratch card is now N450.

How many times can I check my results?
You may check your results up to a maximum of 5 (five) times with the use of 1 (one) Scratch card. In order to check further after exhausting the allowed 5 (five) times you will need to purchase another Scratch cardwhich will entitle you to another 5 (five) result checks.

Can I use one Scratch card to check more than one result?
No! You may only use one Scratch card to check one result. To check another result of interest, you will require a new Scratch card. If you misuse a Scratch card by attempting to check another result different from the first one checked, you will be penalised as having used the card, and will be presented with the appropriate error message.

In what other ways can I check my results?
Besides having your results displayed to you on a webpage on the WAEC DIRECT website, you may also have your results delivered to an email address of your choice by selecting the appropriate options on the WAECDIRECT homepage. You may also have your results read out to you by calling into any one of our regional Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems or have it delivered to your GSM mobile phone via SMS.

What information is available on this service? Click here for further information

The following information is available on the WAECDIRECT service
    WAEC May/June and Nov/Dec WASSCE results
    Addresses of Zonal and Branch Offices of WAEC

WAEC’s vision is to be a world-class examining body, adding value to the educational goals of its stakeholders. Its mission is to remain Africa’s foremost examining body, providing qualitative and reliable educational assessment, encouraging academic and moral excellence and promoting sustainable human resource development and international cooperation.

In its sixty years of existence, the Council has achieved its mission in very large measure. For instance it has over the years developed a team of well-trained and highly motivated staff and has administered examinations that are both valid and relevant to the educational aspirations of member countries. Itscertificates enjoy international recognition. WAEC has also been promoting the ideals of hard-work and honesty in the youth through its awards for outstanding performance in its examinations.

The Council conducts several international and national examinations in all member countries exceptNigeria where it has shed all but one of its examinations, The West African Senior School CertificateExamination (WASSCE) for school candidates in May/June and private candidates in November/December.



Result Checker: WAEC Liberia Online Services
WAEC Verification Of Results
Check Your WAEC Result Here - 2015/2016
WAEC - Sierra Leone Official website for Result Checking
Confirmation of Result - WAEC Ghana
Result - WAEC Gambia
Waec Past Questions‎

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This article is for assistance purpose only for anyone who decided to know how to check print out WAEC Result. Please contact WAEC / WASSCE directly if your need any further assistance.TV


With almost 300.000 international students attending one of Canada’s learning institutions, it’s no wonder this country has become one of the most attractive places to get a degree.

From junior schools to universities, Canada has plenty to offer in terms of education. In case you are planning to benefit from of the Canadian educational system, you should know that since June 1st 2014, you are required to have a student visa/study permit.

The application process shouldn’t scare you and as long as you follow a series of steps, chances are you will get the student visa for Canada in no time.

First of all, you need to get accepted at one of the designated learning institutions. According to the new regulations, all primary and secondary schools are automatically designated and in this case applicants do not need a DLI number on their application form. Otherwise, you will have to consult the designated learning institution list for schools at the post-secondary level.
You must meet the standard eligibility criteria for a study permit. That means:
no criminal record
not to be a risk to the security of Canada (you may have to provide a police certificate)
have a good health (you may have to undergo a medical examination)
Get the right documents. These include: Letter of acceptance from a recognized Canadian learning institution Valid passport (in case you are accompanied by a family member, they will also need a valid passport) Evidence that you can support yourself and any other family member who is coming with you. You must have enough money to cover tuition fees, living expenses and return transportation If you meet all of these requirements, all you need to do is to send the application. You can do this online, as long as you have a scanner to create electronic copies of your documents and a valid card to pay with. In this case, you will need to complete a short questionnaire about yourself. This will determine whether you are eligible to apply for a Canadian student permit. If you get through, you will receive a personal checklist code (valid for 60 days) needed for completing the application process. Some applicants may be required to take an interview at their local visa office. You do not need a study permit if you plan to attend programs of six months or less or if you are going to take short-term classes. However, it’s not a bad idea to apply for a study permit anyway, in case you change your mind and want to extend your stay. If so, you will need to attach a letter of explanation, in which you specify the reasons why you want a student visa. You should also know that if you are from a non-visa exempt country, you will also need a valid visitor visa.

Friday, July 10, 2015


Africa is endowed with so many resources including natural and human potentials to harness the available resources. In as much as the continent is still lagging behind when it comes to technology, it is possible that in the future, the richest people in the world may come from Africa. In the recent years, we have seen Africans rapidly climb up the wealth ladder. A good example is Aliko Dangote who was worth about $11.2 billion as of March 2013, who after a period of one year (April 2014) was worth $16.1 billion, Aliko Dangote is currently worth over $20 billion dollars as at the time of this writing. You should note that the list of wealthiest men in Africa keeps changing since wealth is not tied down to any particular person, so who are the richest people in Africa? this rich list is full of people who have distinguished themselves in various businesses, the movers and shakers of Africa’s businesses. I bring to you the richest men in africa.

Richest Men in Africa

20. Theophilus Danjuma

Net Worth: $1.1 Billion (Forbes), $1.8 Billion (Ventures Africa)

iIndustry: Oil & Gas

Rtd General Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma GCON FSS psc is a retired Nigerian soldier, politician, billionaire businessman and philanthropist who was born in Takum, Nigeria on 9th December 1938. The billionaire started off as a soldier having served in the Nigerian Army. He also ventured into politics where he served as a Minister of Defense under President Olesegun Obasanjo. Mr. Danjuma is the chairman of SAPETRO (South Atlantic Petroleum), a Nigerian upstream oil and gas exploration and production company. According to Forbes, his net worth has risen since last year due to more detailed information about SAPETRO’s assets.

19. Miloud Chaabi & family


 Net Worth: $1.3 Billion (Forbes),

Industry: diversified, Self Made

Miloud Chaabi is a Moroccan businessman and politician with a net worth of $1.3 billion. He is the founder of Ynna Holding and the owner of the Riad Mogador hotel chain and group of supermarkets “Aswak Assalam” in Morocco. Miloud Chaabi’s Ynna Holding develops real estate, operates hotels and supermarkets, and is the majority owner of SNEP, a chemical manufacturer in Morocco

18. Aziz Akhannouch & family

Net Worth: $1.8 Billion (Forbes),

Industry: Petroleum, Diversified

Aziz Akhannouch is a Moroccan businessman and the country’s current Minister of Agriculture in Abdelilah Benkirane’s cabinet. He is the majority owner of Akwa Group, a multibillion-dollar Moroccan conglomerate with interests in petroleum, gas and chemicals through its publicly-traded subsidiaries Afriquia Gas and Maghreb Oxygene. It also has businesses operating in media, real estate development and hotels. Forbes estimates his net worth as $1.8 billion as of April 2015

17. Onsi Sawiris

Net Worth: $1.9 Billion (Forbes),

Industry: Construction, Telecom, Self Made

Onsi Sawiris is the patriarch of Egypt’s wealthiest family and founder of Orascom Construction Industries. Following the Egyptian political uprisings in 2011, his son Nassef, who heads the company, moved its listing to Euronext in Amsterdam. Onsi Sawiris still owns nearly a quarter of OCI. With a net worth estimated at $1.9 billion, Sawiris made the majority of the family’s wealth from construction and telecoms, though the empire now stretches to tourism and media.

16. Stephen Saad

Net Worth: $1.9 Billion (Forbes),

Industry: Pharmaceuticals, Self Made

Stephen Saad is the founder of Aspen Pharmacare, the largest pharmaceutical maker in Africa. The company, which sells generic medicines in 150 countries, expanded its global footprint with a slew of acquisitions in 2013; it saw its revenue grow by 53% in the year through June 2014 to $2.7 billion. Saad became a millionaire at age 29 after he sold his share in the drug business Covan Zurich for $3 million. He has been an Executive Director of Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited since January 1999, a CA from South Africa Institute of CAs and holds a B.Com through the University of Natal in South Africa.

15. Koos Bekker

Net Worth: $2.0 Billion (Forbes),

Industry: Media, Internet, Investments, Self Made

Jacobus Petrus “Koos” Bekker is the billionaire Chairman designate of leading merging markets media group Naspers. The company operates in 130 countries and is listed on both the London and Johannesburg Stock Exchanges. He led the founding team of M-Net in 1985, which gave rise to pay TV operations today spanning 48 countries in Africa. In the early 1990’s when MTN was launched together with partners. Koos served as CEO of the MIH group until 1997, when he took over at Naspers. Since then the group moved strongly into the internet. The South African media tycoon stepped down as CEO of media conglomerate Naspers in February 2014 after running the Cape Town-based company since 1997. As of April 2015 he will chair the Naspers board.

14. King Mohammed VI

Net Worth: $2.1 Billion (Forbes),

Industry: Diversified

Mohammed VI is the current King of Morocco. He ascended to the throne on 23 July 1999 after the death of his father, King Hassan II. His birthday is a public holiday. From his father, the late King Hassan II, he inherited an estimated 40% stake in Societe Nationale d’Investissement (SNI), a large, formerly state-owned Moroccan investment company that has controlling stakes in the country’s largest bank, Attijariwafa, mining company Managem Group, sugar producer Cosumar, dairy firm Centrale Laitiere and a number of other assets.

13. Patrice Motsepe

Net Worth: $2.3 Billion (Forbes),

Industry: Mining, Self Made

Patrice Motsepe is one of the wealthiest men in Africa and the first and only South Africa’s black billionaire. He is regarded as a mining magnet and his company African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) has interests in platinum, nickel, chrome, iron, manganese, coal, copper and gold. He also owns shares in Harmony Gold, through his company ARM. Patrice Motsepe was born in Soweto and later trained as a lawyer. He is a self made African billionaire who started by buying low-producing gold mine shafts in 1994 and turned them profitable using a lean management style. He also holds a equity in Sanlam, another publicly traded financial services company outside the city of Cape Town. Some of his non “coporate” investments include the Mamelodi Sundowns Football Club where he is the president an owner. His net worth is $2.3bn according to Forbes

12. Yasseen Mansour

Net Worth: $2.3 Billion (Forbes),

Industry: Diversified, Self Made

Yasseen Mansour and his brothers Youssef and Mohammed (both billionaires) run Mansour Group, which owns Caterpillar dealerships in several African countries. The Egyptian businessman has an estimated net worth of $2.3 billion as of April 2015 according to Forbes. He is one of the major shareholders in Palm Hills Developments. Majority of his wealth is currently tied up in Mansour Group. The company has the the sole rights to General Motors dealerships in Egypt and Iraq, as well as supermarkets, all the McDonald’s in Egypt, and distribution of L’Oreal cosmetics in Egypt.

11. Othman Benjelloun

Net Worth: $2.4 Billion (Forbes),

Industry: Banking, Insurance

Moroccan businessman Othman Benjelloun has an estimated net worth of $2.4 billion as of April 2015 according to Forbes. Mr. Benjelloun’s estimated net worth of $2.4 billion came from his banking enterprise, the BMCE Bank or Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur where he is currently the CEO. BMCE Bank is one of the country’s largest banks; it is active in 20 African countries, and its non-Moroccan operations contribute more than 40% of the bank’s net income. Last year, Benjelloun announced plans to build a rocket-shaped tower more than 30 stories high to house BMCE’s new headquarters.

10. Youssef Mansour

Net Worth: $2.9 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Diversified, Self Made

Youssef Mansour keeps a lower profile than his two billionaire brothers Mohamed and Yasseen. Each sibling owns a stake in Mansour Group, a business conglomerate that gets the bulk of its value from its Caterpillar dealerships in Russia and a number of African countries. Youssef is responsible for the consumer goods division, which includes the largest supermarket chain in Egypt, the Metro supermarket chain, as well as tobacco brands, and McDonald’s restaurants in Egypt.

9. Naguib Sawiris

Net Worth: $3.0 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Telecom

Naguib Sawiris is the eldest son of Egyptian billionaire Onsi Sawiris who established Orascom Group – Egypt’s largest private sector employer and the most capitalized on Cairo and Alexandria’s stock exchange. He is Egypt’s second richest man and one of the top 20 Africa’s richest men. He is known as one of Egypt’s telecoms mogul. He sold almost all his shares in Russian telecom giant VimpelCom, which had earlier acquired his company’s Sawiris’ Orascom Telecom in a cash and stock transaction in 2011. Naguib Sawiris started Orascom Telecom Media and Technology, a 20,000 employees company that also manages 11 GSM operators around the world. His company has more than  70% stake in Koryolink, North Korea’s only cell phone network. He recently bought a Canadian mining company La Mancha from French nuclear giant Areva for $317 million through his weather investment company. He joined politics in 2011 and has been a vocal opponent of the Muslim Brotherhood. Naguib Sawiris net worth is $3.0 billion dollars.

8. Issad Rebrab & family

Net Worth: $3.2 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Telecom

Issad Regrab is an Algerian Businessman and Entrepreneur with an Estimated Net Worth of $3.2 Billion. The chairman of Algeria’s largest privately-owned conglomerate, Cevital is reportedly his country’s first ever billionaire according to Forbes. Most of his wealth is due to Cevital, which produces sugar, vegetable oil and margarine. He is also the Exclusive distributor in Algeria for Hyundai, Europcar and Samsung

7. Mohamed Mansour 

Net Worth: $4.0 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Diversified, Self Made

Mohamed Mansour is one of the richest men in Africa with estimated net worth of $4.0bn. His company Mansour Group is rapidly expanding outside of Egypt. More than half of Mansour Group’s revenues now come from outside Egypt. His company’s operations span internationally across several major industrial sectors and can be summarized into five main business divisions: automotive, capital markets, consumer and retail, industrial equipment, and services. All these have positioned him as one of the richest men in Africa. Interests in Egypt include Philip Morris and McDonald’s franchises.The Mansours also own the largest supermarket chain, Metro, which recently received an offer from Emirati billionaire Majid Al Futtaim for up to $300 million.

6. Mike Adenuga 

Net Worth: $4.6 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Telecom, Oil and Gas

Mike Adenuga is the second richest man in Nigeria with a net worth of $4.6 bn. He is a telecom giant who built a fortune in mobile telecom and oil production. Mike Adenuga is the founder and president of Glo, a mobile telecom company that has grown to become Nigeria’s second largest mobile telecom network.  he started as a cab driver and security guard in USA to fund his studies. He made his first million at age 26 selling lace and distributing Coca-Cola in Nigeria. However, he lost two telecom licenses and a bank, fled into exile and still went on to become one of the richest black men in the world. The company he founded, Conoil PLC is one of Nigeria’s largest independent exploration companies, with a production capacity of 100,000 barrels of oil per day. Adenuga made his first fortune at age 26 in the 1970s by distributing lace and other materials, but he hit it big during the military regime of former President Ibrahim Babangida. Adenuga is widely believed to be a proxy investor for former President Babangida.

Glo has an estimate of over 25 million subscribers (June 2009) and is a 100 percent Nigerian owned company with presence in the Republic of Benin and recently acquired licenses to start businesses in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. Glo  recently built an $800 million high-capacity fibre-optic cable known as Glo-1, a submarine cable from the United Kingdom to Nigeria.

5. Christoeffel Wiese 

Net Worth: $5.4 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Retailing, Self Made

Christoeffel Wiese is South Africa’s third richest man and the 6th richest man in Africa. His net worth stands at $5.4 bn. The source of his wealth is retail, he is the chairman as well as the largest single shareholder of Africa’s biggest retailer store and low-priced supermarket chain Shoprite. He also has large stakes in Pepkor, a large discount wears, including clothes, shoes and textiles chain where he is executive chairman. Christoeffel Wiese also invests in other companies. He has significant stakes in seven publicly traded companies that have done so well in the last one year worth approximately $500 million more than they were about a year ago. Part of Christoeffel Wiese’s achievements is that he converted a South African farm estate into a five-star hotel, Lanzerac Manor & Winery, this helped to launch him into becoming a winery expert.

4. Nassef Sawiris

Net Worth: $6.1 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Construction

Nassef Sawiris is the 4th richest man in Africa who runs Orascom Construction Industries which is Egypt’s most valuable publicly-traded company. He is into construction sector with a significant stake in cement company Lafarge. He oversaw the construction activities of Orascom since 1990. He was also a board member of NASDAQ Dubai from July 2008 – June 2010, he currently sits on the boards of Besix (Belgium) and NNS Holding (Luxembourg). He is worth $6.1 bn.

3. Nicky Oppenheimer 

Net Worth: $6.8 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Diamonds

Nicky Oppenheimer, one of the richest men in South Africa with a net worth of $6.8 bn is a diamond magnet who made a pivotal decision in November 2011 to sell his family’s 40% stake in De Beers, the world’s largest diamond producer to Anglo American, which was founded by his grandfather, for $5.1billion. Anglo American before the deal already owned 45% of DeBeers while the remaining 15% is owned by the government of Botswana. Nicky Oppenheimer’s other interests apart from making money include flying helicopters, cricket and conservation. He owns the Tswalu Kalahari Reserve which is regarded as the largest private game reserve in South Africa.

2. Johann Rupert 

Net Worth: $7.3 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Luxury Goods

Johann Rupert’s is the 2nd richest man in Africa. He is the chief of luxury goods outfit – Compagnie Financiere Richemont. His company’s stock has increased more than 50% on a per year basis. He also has stakes in investment holding companies Remgro and Reinet. He is an avid golfer with a net worth of $7.3 bn. He is the Chancellor of the University of Stellenbosch, with family relatives, he owns two of South Africa’s best known vineyards.

1. Aliko Dangote 

Net Worth: $21.6 Billion (Forbes)

Industry: Cement, Sugar, Flour, Self Made

The richest man in Africa is Aliko Dangote. He is also the world’s richest black man as at today. Dangote started increasing his fortune more than three decades ago when he started by trading in commodities like cement and conglomerates like flour and sugar with a loan he received from his maternal uncle. He eventually started production of these products and went on to build the Dangote Group, a company that has grown to become West Africa’s largest publicly-listed conglomerate company, which now owns sugar refineries, salt processing facilities, his Lagos-based company is Africa’s biggest cement manufacturer, it also makes enormously popular food products such as noodles, spaghetti and milk. Note that this list only features the richest men in Africa who made their wealth mostly through legitimate means.